Thursday 22 October 2015

Comparatively civil, excluding the golf

Today had far less on the agenda than the last two days. With most of the to-do list completed, there was a third and final visit to Liliuokalani Gardens, where at high tide most of the gardens is impassable due to the influx of seawater:

Final visit to flooded Liliuokalani

OK, maybe I lie, I did slip in a quick 9 holes! For every guest at our hotel, they offered 9 holes of golf plus club and accessory hire. Took me a while to get back into the swing of things, but managed to not do tooooo badly! Got some video footage of golfing, didn't take the camera with me so nothing in the way of photos.

Following was an afternoon visit to downtown Hilo. Self-proclaimed as a town, not a city, the area has several attractive period buildings, along with some that have been rebuilt after several tsunamis in the middle of last century:

Architecture of Hilo

The waterfront area of Hilo has been deliberately left as green space, in the wake of the tsunamis. Where there once was buildings, there is now an expanse of green, covered with palm trees, banyan trees and various sporting fields:

Waterfront of Hilo

Then back to the hotel! Tomorrow we embark on a decent road trip to Kona, where we will spend the best part of a week, mostly relaxing in preparation before the hectic 2 weeks of our schedule in Kauai. More from Kona!

Felicity says:

Oh goodie ... golf. Pass on that, I'll be in the hotel room reading a book and packing our suitcases ready for the road trip. And going to the second hand bookstore (there are 2 awesome "sister" stores on the Big Island, one in Hilo and one in Kona), and playing in Target/Walmart/KMart. 

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