Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Made it to the Dam!

Today was a relatively light day. Thank goodness for that - it was starting to feel like I was pushing myself a little too far.

After taking an early breakfast, we checked out of our hotel basically on time, ready for a two-hour drive to Amsterdam, where we would meet dad's friends. We stayed around in the hotel lounge a little while longer, leeching (not literally, Matty) off the hotel's free WiFi:

Abdij Rolduc rolls out behind us

Eventually we started out, riding past a few awesome place names on the way. We had stopped at this place on a previous trip, just for one night, called 's-Hertogenbosch. How cool is that? The locals call it Den Bosch, but its real name sounds so much better. When you combine that with the western exit for a town called Best, you end up with 's-Hertogenbosch and Best-West on the same sign.

It wasn't evident we were arriving in Amsterdam until we got off the highway and on to the side streets. Or when dad started ignoring the GPS because he knew where he was going. We passed over a nice-looking bridge on the way:

Bridge on the way

Our friends live in the south of Amsterdam, on the Amstel Canal, which is the main canal that feeds the Amstel River. We arrived there in the middle of the afternoon, and promptly did nothing for the rest of the day.

I'm also breaking tradition here by doubling up with two days for one blog. Mainly because we didn't do anything on the second day either. Dad went out for a couple of walks, but I had stuff to catch up on, like photo sorting and blog writing!

We kept track of mum's flights from Brisbane and Hong Kong, and tomorrow morning we will head to the airport early and pick her up. Who knows what we will do after that! See ya!

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