Sunday, 24 August 2014

Go via...

It's a unique family talent, turning an hour's drive into a whole day's worth of entertainment. Today we drove from Plumpton Green to Croydon (north of Brighton to south of London), with a couple of 'travel vias', as our GPS likes to call them.

You can see them on Flickr here:

Bodiam Castle:
Tunbridge Wells:

We saw a sign on the gate near our cottage we were staying in, which was quite funny when the friendly 'dog' rocked up to see us off:

LOOK OUT! Vicious attack... pig?

First up was Bodiam Castle, a ruinous castle a bit further east from the Brighton and Hove area. Another free entry courtesy of National Trust, and we found it was actually quite nice. It was really photogenic surrounded by its moat, the sun fully out, and a few white clouds wandering across the sky:

Bodiam Castle

There were some explanations as to what each of the rooms likely meant. There were also really nice views from the two towers that were open to the public, even though there were serious queues of people getting up and down (only one staircase for both directions combined). There was also a steam train running a little way from the castle. I managed to get a couple of photos, which was a bonus.

Mum had pointed out Royal Tunbridge Wells, on a straight line from Bodiam Castle to Croydon. It is famous mostly for The Pantiles, a yuppy shopping street with jazz bands playing and a spring right up one end. The spring was closed 'due to poor water flow'. Whatever that means:

Royal Tunbridge Wells

I managed a quick nap between Royal Tunbridge Wells and Croydon. Although we didn't want to pay the money grabbers at the Hilton 15 pounds for 24 hours of internet, there is a McDonalds literally around the corner, so connectivity should be good there. Until tomorrow!

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