Monday, 30 June 2014


The Colosseum (Colosseo in Italian) was my only definite plan for today. I also wanted to try to visit St. Peter's Square in the Vatican if there was enough time.

My Flickr gallery for Rome is now complete:

After another huge self-service breakfast, I got the Metro to the Colosseum. It's on the same line as my stop, so it was a handy 15-minute ride from Tiburtina.

I flew through the queue because I'd already bought my ticket at the Roman Forum yesterday. The queue was separated into people that had already paid or had a Roma Pass, and people who hadn't paid. The queue for tickets was reaaaaally long, even though it was about 4 o'clock by this stage.

The Colosseum is divided into an upper and lower store. From the lower deck and most of the upper storey, you basically look over the gladiator pit, where all the fights used to take place before it became a multi-purpose arena for markets and stuff. Basically it was all just red bricks to me, but you could still almost hear the history bouncing off the walls:

A view over the Colosseum

The museum part on the upper storey was much more interesting. Sheltered away from the light, there were many different exhibits, ranging from stuff that had been kept from BC to new stuff that had been given meaning by the descriptions. I found the museum to be the most interesting part of the Colosseum - not that it stopped me from getting a photo of myself with the gladiator pit in the background.

After finishing at the Colosseum, I walked along the River Tiber to Vatican City. It was getting to be 7:00 when I got there, so most everything was closed. I managed to get my picture taken in front of Basilica di San Pietro, but only some of the photos turned out well, being into the sun:

A couple of photos in the Vatican

That's the last of my trip to Rome. Tomorrow night I meet up with dad after what will doubtless be an exhausting day of travelling, involving a train, a plane, and two buses. Until then!

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