Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Pre-airport, some ramblings...

It's the night before now, and what fun is a three-month-long trip to another continent if you don't pack at the last minute? The number of IT jobs mum made me do before I went took up half the day just by itself!

After getting all my connection cables, chargers, cameras, hard drives, and travel adapters sorted, my backpack must surely look a little suspicious to security.

I must admit I'm now a little worried about luggage weight. The suitcase won't be a problem all trip, coming in at 16.5kg (I have 23kg to Europe and 46kg from Europe, but only 20kg on my two intra-Europe flights). My camera bag and backpack, however, come in at 11kg. I already had to spend a fair bit more to get a flight with a decent hand luggage allowance, but I'm still 1kg over, and I haven't even got there yet!

Mum's giving me a lift to the airport, where the marathon journey will start. So far I've counted four long-haul flights, two intra-Europe flights, three high-speed trains, one overnight train, and one four-hour bus trip. And that's not even including the 1,000s of kilometres of driving!

Also tonight I opted in to Google's new beta, which allows it to pick up details of flights and other bookings directly from your email. I had also signed up to TripIt a while back, which does the same thing - scans your emails and sucks in all the booking info it can find to its own website. TripIt is scary good - it was able to find flight confirmations, hotel confirmations, and even sucked in the contact details and location for all of my AirBNB bookings! Plus it has offline mode. The 21st century at work.

That's all for now, I'll check back in in either Brisbane or Hong Kong.

All packed up and ready to go...

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