Saturday, 23 May 2015

Fogged up

What a difference a bit of patience makes! Having rode all the way to the cliffs at Kangaroo Point in hopes of capturing the sunrise, I was disappointed to see the fog I had seen was so thick you couldn't even see all the way across the river.

Sitting around for a bit over half an hour, I decided to go a bit further along the river to see if there were any better vantage points, and stumbled across a spectacular diffraction effect with light bouncing off one of the CBD's glass buildings a bit further downriver:

CBD light diffraction

After grabbing some snaps there, I headed to Wilson's Outlook to see what effects were to be had from there. While they weren't nearly as spectacular, the ND1000 filter made for an interesting landscape, including a blurred CityCat:

Morning fog from Wilson's Outlook

So the mantra of patience definitely paid off!

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Brisbane city lights up for IDAHOT!

For the second year running, International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia advocates managed to get the council to light up the city with rainbow colours. There was a flag ceremony at Brisbane City Hall, but the main attraction was undoubtedly the multi-coloured Story Bridge:

Brisbane IDAHOT celebrations